Nurturing the body, mind and spirit
Homeobotanical Therapy
By integrating various holistic and energy healing modalities.
What is Homeobotanical Therapy?
Homeobotanical Therapy combines the power of hers, the potency of homeopathy and the therapist own unique healing vibration, in order to treat your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body. It was developed in New Zealand in 1983, by Dr Brian Murray ND, DO, PHD. Homeobotanical remedies are concentrated blends of herbal extracts and tinctures which have been prepared to support most health and nutritional conditions. They are then diluted and potentised in the homeopathic method that has not only created a unique healing energy, but an affordable natural health care.
Homeobotanicals is designed to be a simple and affordable way, of incorporating an herbal element in complementary health care. Dr Brian Murray ND, DO, PHD, the founder of homeobotanicals observed that many of his low income clients could not afford the cost of herbal formulations, which often exceeded the cost of the health practitioner. Other times clients such as the elderly and children had problems swallowing capsules and reacting to strong herbal tinctures. So, there was a need to find a solution that was low cost, and an effective supplement, which could be within the reach of all clients in need.
To overcome this Dr Murray obtained herbal tinctures and blended a range to cover common health needs. These blends were then potentised using Dr Samuel Hahnemann’s homeopathic method, creating a completely unique health modality that does not necessarily fall into the category of herbalism or homeopathy. Dynamic Phytotherapy! It is an energy medicine that utilises a mix and match system, designed to be complementary to your overall health plan and is suitable for all ages.
How does Homeobotanical Therapy consultation work?
Homeobotanicals helps you to rebalance. First it helps to purify the system by opening all of the body’s own natural drainage channels. Then the selected herbs target your problem areas, normalises the body and then assists the body’s natural processes to rebuild and restore. Detoxification is often the first step in the therapeutic process (esp. for chronic conditions). When the toxins have been removed a nutritional blend of herbs is again individually selected to encourage the body to regain homoeostasis (balance).
Acute conditions respond very quickly to these remedies, supporting the immune system and accelerating the healing process. Chronic conditions respond at a more measured pace, according to the duration and severity of the disease or imbalance.
Successful treatments have included: Asthma, eczema, bowel problems, poor vitality due to toxin build-up, arthritis, hormone imbalance (PMS, endometriosis, menopause, lack of fertility), allergies and so much more. In many instances, once the toxic load has been taken off the organs, the body will heal itself and no further intervention is required. Because this is a CORE THERAPY it can be used in conjunction with any other form of healing technique.
At Bloobelle we use Homeobotanical therapy as a standalone therapy, or part of an integrated consultation. Just like a homeopathic consultation your medical history and individual symptoms are taken into account and an individual blend is created for you.
Due to the nature of the tinctures being imported from New Zealand all Homeobotanical remedies are charged separately. Please refer to our price list for booking a session or purchasing standalone remedies.
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At Bloobelle Healing Arts we take a holistic and natural approach to achieving good health. We achieve this by using a combination of vibrational and energy medicine techniques, which are individually tailored to you. Find out more about our healing modalities.