Nurturing the body, mind and spirit
Mineral Hair Analysis?
By integrating various holistic and energy healing modalities
What is Mineral Hair Analysis?
Mineral Hair Analysis is a reflection of your own personal biochemistry, and is method of testing the mineral balance in the body. The hair reflects the available minerals at the tissue level of the body. It provides a great window, as minerals in the body’s tissues are deposited as the hair grows.
This method provides an accurate report of minerals, nutrients and heavy metals that have affected the body within the last three months. Minerals form the bases of health and imbalances can have an influence or impact on the normal functioning of the body. At Bloobelle we have partnered with Mineral Check (, who conducts the testing and reporting.
Where do you take the hair from?
Taking a hair sample at home is the easy, private and pain free. For the most accurate hair test analysis the sample should be taken from the first inch of hair closest to the scalp, or at the nape of the neck. An inch or so of hair taken closest to the scalp provides approximately a three-month window into the mineral and metal status of the body.
Once the hair is cut, it is put into a special envelope that is provided and posted to the Mineral Check. Once it’s received at the laboratory it’s prepared by a specialised procedure before being placed in a series of test tubes for multiple testing.
What happens with the test?
The scientific process to test a hair sample is carried out in a high temperature environment with special acids to breakdown the hair and separate it from the elements, then when the hair has been completely digested, only the mineral salts remain. These are added to a chemical solution and analysed to identify the mineral status and toxic metal accumulation found. This exact process shows the nutrient levels in your body and reveals the evidence of long term or acute exposure to heavy metals.
Once that has been completed an accurate report is sent back to your practitioner where your results will be discussed with you. Here is a sample of what the report looks like. A sample test:
Does Mineral Health Analysis work with homeopathy?
Homeopathy has been used successfully for over 200 years for assisting with mineral balancing in the body. Homeopathic remedies, along with nutritional supplements will gently speed up recovery for all types of issues related to imbalances of key minerals, and the presence of heavy metals.
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At Bloobelle Healing Arts we take a holistic and natural approach to achieving good health. We achieve this by using a combination of vibrational and energy medicine techniques, which are individually tailored to you. Find out more about our healing modalities.